Ron's Good Tweets - Edition 12
Welcome back friends,
I write you this week calm and relaxed. I know no matter what I put on this week's post, it won't be the worst list we've seen this week. Thanks Billy Pajamas.
Making my debut on #lawntwitter with a little Saturday morning stripey. Hope all my fellow #bermudalawndominators enjoy this one. 🤤🤤
— The General (Jay Johnson stan) (@GhostofWillWade) July 8, 2023
A lot to like here. The stripes, the lie, THE CLEANUP LAP. Great work General.
On threads with the burner. Come find me
— Kevin Durant (@KDTrey5) July 6, 2023
Had to show KD some love for being #oneofus
1. Friday
— The Commissioner (@_fritz2) July 8, 2023
2. Saturday
3. Sunday
4. Thursday
5. Wednesday
6. Monday(you have a lot of these off, but the rest suck)
7. Tuesday
Saw a lot of lists this week. Some good. Some not so good. This one by the Commish is easily the most rock solid top to bottom. There just isn't another right answer.
I would never buy a couch before sitting in it first, just a personal rule I live by
— Power Playa (@powerplaya52) July 12, 2023
As a current owner of a "cute" couch my wife bought off the internet that's borderline unchillonable, I will never not do this #powerplay
Dentist took one look at my teeth today and said “so you’ve just given up on flossing huh?” Bitch that’s YOUR job why do you think I’m here???
— Carl (@carl_thegreat1) July 7, 2023
Carl really showing some good form here these past few weeks and this is easily his best work yet. Dentists really do judge your entire character based off of your gum line. They must not like making cash or something. A real hustler like Carl would be thrilled to see our plaque filled grill come in.
i can’t lie i’ve been thinking of the sing 2 soundtrack a LOT lately
— shanta_the_queen (@shantathequeen) July 6, 2023